The First Certified B Corp Craft Brewery in Massachusetts
Let’s Be Better.
That’s been the raison d’etre at Redemption Rock Brewing since way before we opened our doors, and it’s the driving philosophy behind all that we do - from the beer, to customer service, to sales and marketing.
But most of all, it’s how we designed our company; as a business, we should strive to be better than the status quo. We can be better for our environment, our employees, our community, and our customers.
As a Certified B Corporation™ (B Corp™), we track, measure, and continually improve how we’re being a better business for the world.
Brewing to Benefit Community
B Corps are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. As a B Corp, giving back to the community is more than just something we’re passionate about — it’s an essential and integral part of our company. And we will maintain our steadfast commitment to our local community as we grow and evolve as an organization. Here's how:
Hiring within our local community
Sourcing from local and independent organizations whenever possible
Keeping our sales footprint in Massachusetts
Contributing the equivalent of at least 1% of our annual revenue to local nonprofit organizations
Our Impact Areas
B Corps meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability, and are graded in five areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers.
Read on to learn more about our initiatives and scores in each impact area.

Learn more about B Corps and our B Impact Score, visit our B Corp profile.